Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
157481-157500 of all 180,507 gems.
157,4692,758pry-translatorusing open translation web api
157,4822,757apollo_upload_server-rubyThis gem is empty. It protects against brandjacking. You are welcome. If you think it i...
157,4822,757aliyun_smsThis is a ruby gem helps to use aliyun sms in ruby way.
157,4822,757clever_sdkProvides an SDK for interacting wth the Clever API in Ruby
157,4822,757crysnaThis gem provide a site analysis for crystal cell.
157,4822,757omniauth-traycheckoutOmniAuth strategy for TrayCheckout.
157,4822,757slack_log_viewerSlack log viewer
157,4822,757fme-enterprise_busA ruby library for fme to communication between bound contexts
157,4822,757noteikumidescription: Light weight Rule Engine
157,4822,757api_rescuableQuick and easy way to handle common exceptions in Rails APIs
157,4912,756ottinfra-codereviewInfrastructure libs for codereview notification.
157,4912,756logstash-filter-simple_kvThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
157,4912,756shateiel_new_gemsfor test
157,4912,756smctyPlan your production based on scheduled plans to optimize throughput.
157,4912,756rack-test-jsonAdd Rack::MockResponse#as_json to facilite testing.
157,4912,756barmanBarman creates the base of your project. It is used by to get a jump start...
157,4972,755acclaim-apiRuby wrapper for the REST API at Documentation at https:/...
157,4972,755bitbucket_pr_commnetpost comment to pull requiest on bitbucket.
157,4972,755greensock**Note: The Greensock versioning does not parallel the versioning of this gem. See the ...
157,4972,755latest_tomatoes_cli_gemLook up latest dvd and streaming releases.