Total Downloads Ranking

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157501-157520 of all 180,534 gems.
157,4932,759fme-enterprise_busA ruby library for fme to communication between bound contexts
157,4932,759api_rescuableQuick and easy way to handle common exceptions in Rails APIs
157,5032,758paystackrA Ruby gem wrapper for Paystack API
157,5032,758latest_tomatoes_cli_gemLook up latest dvd and streaming releases.
157,5032,758slack_log_viewerSlack log viewer
157,5032,758polymorphic_aliasesAn ActiveRecord extension to use aliases for your polymorphic associations.
157,5032,758noteikumidescription: Light weight Rule Engine
157,5032,758lazy_methodLazyMethod is the new way of get method class object
157,5032,758motion-expectRSpec's expect syntax in MacBacon
157,5032,758barmanBarman creates the base of your project. It is used by to get a jump start...
157,5112,757aserto-authorizerRuby generated GRPC client for Aserto Authorizer
157,5112,757bitbucket_pr_commnetpost comment to pull requiest on bitbucket.
157,5112,757acclaim-apiRuby wrapper for the REST API at Documentation at https:/...
157,5112,757blix-restRack based framework focused on building JSON REST web services. Concentrates on making...
157,5112,757file_managerFile manager gem for handling different storage implementations. Currently only support...
157,5112,757focas-client財金資訊 金流 focas-client (開發中,勿用)
157,5112,757shateiel_new_gemsfor test
157,5112,757evt-process_hostRun multiple logical processes inside a single physical process
157,5112,757smctyPlan your production based on scheduled plans to optimize throughput.
157,5112,757atotkAtotk was created to provide an number of mechanisms to help validate and use ABNs anf ...