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Most downloads over all time
158161-158180 of all 180,459 gems.
158,1562,674qfsClient bindings for Quantcast File System, a distributed filesystem.
158,1562,674rsync-adhocAd hoc rsync server.
158,1562,674logstash-input-pravegaThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
158,1642,673sashite-rubocopShared RuboCop config used by Sashité's Ruby projects 👮🏾
158,1642,673chrono_apiTimer API
158,1642,673watir-rackUse Watir ( in Rack.
158,1642,673mythemeWrite a short summary, because Rubygems requires one.
158,1642,673dmatrixDocker matrix runner with parallel execution
158,1692,672swanHelps automate synchronization of common files between projects
158,1692,672shoes-dslShoes is the best little GUI toolkit for Ruby. Shoes makes building for Mac, Windows, a...
158,1692,672fastlane-plugin-ya_tu_sabesYa tu sabes.
158,1692,672WangTzuHung_votingSimple Vote Gem
158,1692,672cinch-auth-autovoiceCinch plugin that automatically voices all users in specified channels that are authed
158,1692,672gorillaA unit conversion and parsing library.
158,1692,672datadog-cliManage your datadog monitors.
158,1692,672food2forkA Ruby gem for accessing the Food2Fork api
158,1772,671yandex360Yandex 360 API wrapper written in Ruby
158,1772,671call-center-apiCall and get call info
158,1772,671activerecord-ejection_seatWhen working with ActiveRecord models, sometimes you want to eject to a simpler, safer ...
158,1772,671update_gitreposupdate all git repos at once.