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Most downloads over all time
158221-158240 of all 180,661 gems.
158,2122,689globe_connectGlobe Connect for Ruby platform provides an implementation of Globe APIs e.g Authentica...
158,2122,689krumpThis application was written because of a need for a tail-like way to consume Kafka mes...
158,2122,689d3_mapsD3 maps for ruby on rails
158,2122,689forex_quotesRealtime forex quote API client for use with the 1Forge API. To obtain a free API key p...
158,2252,688shardingSharding tables for Rails.
158,2252,688chef-provisioning-googleProvisioner for creating google containers in Chef Provisioning.
158,2252,688ar_hand_dryerThis Gem helps to dry your hands right from the terminal
158,2252,688syringeIf you needs a dependency injection container for Ruby, try use syringe.
158,2252,688clear-caseThis is minimal theme for blofs
158,2252,688back_runBackground job system to use with Rails based on Google Pub Sub
158,2312,687lorin_production_readyRemoves all precompiled assets for production with rake assets:clobber before doing...
158,2312,687rails_views_pathAdd views paths in your rails controllers
158,2312,687logstash-output-pravegaThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
158,2312,687zimbra_wallAn authorization wall for Zimbra
158,2312,687sinatra-postponeto be released
158,2312,687peatio-atomPeatio Blockchain Plugin for Rubykube
158,2312,687logstash-filter-phpserializedThis gem is a logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
158,2382,686cotcube-dataproxyAn AMQ based proxy to retrieve price and contract data from IBKR TWS. The AMQ is provid...
158,2382,686jekyll-help-center-themeSimple and responsive Jekyll theme for help center.
158,2382,686voteable_jlA neat voting gem for posts, comments etc