Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
159901-159920 of all 180,530 gems.
159,8912,531active_memoryKeep track of common session attributes, used with action chat.
159,8912,531container6346Perform basic validations for ISO 6346 intermodal containers
159,8912,531colortimzeColor for your text
159,8912,531kickasskickass is gonna be great
159,8912,531crypto_walletThis Ruby Gem is the official reference client for the payments API. T...
159,8912,531uk_parliamentGem that collates contact details for current UK parliamentarians
159,9072,530methodify_hashEnables the usage of methods instead of brackets for hashes
159,9072,530cachacaMaybe something related to cache
159,9072,530vcoworkflows-ruby2Ruby 2.0.0 implementation of vCenter Orchestrator REST API
159,9072,530fluent-plugin-swift-sweepFluentd plugin to move files to swift container
159,9072,530google-cloud-apigee_registryThe Apigee Registry API allows teams to upload and share machine-readable descriptions ...
159,9072,530java_hash_codeComputes java hashCode algorithm for given string
159,9072,530byrd_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails application.
159,9072,530zuploada util update image file to qiniu
159,9072,530rabbit-slide-kou-speee-cafe-meetup-02「OSS開発」をテーマにしたSpeee Cafe Meetup #02用の資料。OSSを開発するかどうかをどう判断すればよいか、OSS開発者になる最初のステップはどうしたらよ...
159,9072,530bkrr_view_tool"This gem adds a copyright to your page. The year updates itself. All you need to do is...
159,9072,530nngRuby bindings for nng (nanomsg-ng).
159,9072,530embulk-input-soracom_harvestLoads records from Soracom Harvest.
159,9072,530cblog-themeA Blog theme with bootstrap
159,9072,530cf-clientDo more with the client for AWS CloudFormation