Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
159981-160000 of all 180,689 gems.
159,9692,540fluent-plugin-in-http-splunk-hecFluentd input plugin to do mimicking Splunk HTTP HEC endpoint
159,9692,540embulk-input-soracom_harvestLoads records from Soracom Harvest.
159,9692,540cool-view-toolgenerate html data for rails application
159,9692,540cblog-themeA Blog theme with bootstrap
159,9852,539minitest_practiceWrite a longer description or delete this line.
159,9852,539fluent-plugin-swift-sweepFluentd plugin to move files to swift container
159,9852,539peerplays-rubyClient for accessing the Peerplays blockchain.
159,9852,539url_with_refAppends a ?ref=foobar parameter to URLs. Uses &ref=foobar when there already query ...
159,9852,539integer-inheritanceSingle table inheritance mechanism built on integer types
159,9852,539methodify_hashEnables the usage of methods instead of brackets for hashes
159,9852,539encrypted_settingsSimilar to Rails encrypted secrets but with multiple environments.
159,9852,539artifact_toolsProvides tools to manage repository artifacts.
159,9852,539s2S2 generates code to handle data in an uniform manner
159,9852,539infoldInfold provides Scaffolding functionality specifically for Internal tools. Enables fast...
159,9852,539java_hash_codeComputes java hashCode algorithm for given string
159,9852,539weeblycloudA client library for the Weebly Cloud API
159,9852,539kyougiGenerator with OVF template.
159,9852,539google-apis-displayvideo_v3This is the simple REST client for Display & Video 360 API V3. Simple REST clients are ...
159,9852,539mfk_openapi_ruby_clientMoney Forward Kessai REST API
159,9852,539pugsWoof woof.