Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
160761-160780 of all 180,488 gems.
160,7512,470adb_driverA driver with Seleium-like interface to interact with Android devices directly via ADB
160,7512,470interswitchA utility gem with basic interswitch payment functionalities
160,7512,470iconate_railsIconate is the JS library that transform your icons with trendy animations
160,7512,470laag-libczmqLibrary as a Gem - libczmq
160,7512,470know_moreA questionnaire scafflod gem
160,7512,470orthographerThis gem wraps hunspell and checks your spelling.
160,7512,470auth0_passwordAuth0Password is a Ruby gem to generate random password for Auth0 database connection. ...
160,7692,469nasne_checkerA tool to check resavation on nasne and post to slack.
160,7692,469cocoapods-xzlintA short description of cocoapods-xzlint.
160,7692,469canadian_mergersA CLI tool for scraping monthly data on concluded mergers in Canada
160,7692,469syncfusion-tabs-idSupport for adding ID for Syncfusion Tabs!
160,7692,469maikuA Maruku superset compiler.
160,7692,469mgm-jekyll-bulmaBulma for Jekyll theme for MGM's websites.
160,7692,469gcovinatorgcovinator generates HTML reports for gcov coverage data. It provides a command-line ex...
160,7692,469bunto-relative-linksA Bunto plugin to convert relative links to markdown files to their rendered equivalents.
160,7692,469grpc-google-iam-v2This gem is empty. It protects against brandjacking. You are welcome. If you think it i...
160,7692,469hammerCLI tool to help building binaries using Heroku's anvil
160,7692,469rollbar-gemThis gem is empty. It protects against brandjacking. You are welcome. If you think it i...