Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
160781-160800 of all 180,488 gems.
160,7692,469microsoft-cognitive-faceMicrosoft cognitive face client for ruby
160,7692,469notification_gatewaySimple gem to push notification using different push notification providers like (pubnub)
160,7692,469safe_and_soundA compact DSL to let you declare sum data types and define safe functions on them.
160,7692,469opts_validatorValidate the presence of cli params the easy way
160,7692,469gemaalu0100884982Diseño e implementación de un DSL, siguiendo la filosofía de Ruby, que permite la defin...
160,7692,469rpg_levelManage the Level/EXP that is known as the most commonly growth system of role-playing g...
160,7692,469bunto-pressMinifier plugin for bunto. Minifies all html, js, css files. Simple just drop it in sol...
160,7692,469agingIt is extension of Date Class, which calculate age
160,7692,469compulsive-forksFinds the repos that you forked that can be safely deleted
160,7692,469switch_searchableManages different search engines in a Rails app
160,7692,469voting_systemsImplementations of various voting systems.
160,7692,469capistrano-faucetAn unrestictive way to deploy using gitflow and capistrano
160,7692,469CarRegistrationRussiaFind Car details from a number plate in Russia. An Account is required from http://www....
160,7692,469query_delegatorMove query code from ActiveRecord models into query objects, because database query cod...
160,7692,469mushin_dsf_gitpartyGitParty is a mushin-based DSF for doing all Git things
160,7692,469loose_leafA Rails gem for real-time collaboration using ActionCable
160,7692,469darkstarud_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
160,7982,468helloWorldABCHello World example
160,7982,468rails-animationsanimate.css for rails
160,7982,468shengxiaoChinese zodiac calculator gem