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Most downloads over all time
161141-161160 of all 180,448 gems.
161,1162,448compare_compressorsCompare compression algorithms (gzip, bzip2, xz, etc.) for a sample of documents.
161,1162,448hl7tocsvConvert HL7 ORU messages to CSV with ease
161,1162,448ferris_watirAn un-opinionated testing framework built on top of WATIR which provides massive power ...
161,1162,448loterias_caixaBusca dados sobre as loterias da Caixa Federal
161,1452,447murmurhash_jrubyA jruby wrapper of a a very specific java implementation of the MurmurHash2 algorithm. ...
161,1452,447s3-http-getGet S3 objects using REST API
161,1452,447sirbMetaheuristics for Logistics Problems
161,1452,447light_rules_engineGem is a foundation of rule engine
161,1452,447ruboty-choiceReturn one item at random
161,1452,447simple_twitter_oauthA really simple Twitter OAuth library.
161,1452,447childrens_books"Suggests books for a child to read based on their age."
161,1452,447CarRegistrationDenmarkFind Car details from a number plate in Denmark. An Account is required from http://www...
161,1452,447versedVersed helps you visualize your progress against your scheduled weekly routine.
161,1452,447xls_to_rdfConverts xls file to RDF graph
161,1452,447jmespath.rbThis gem is empty. It protects against brandjacking. You are welcome. If you think it i...
161,1452,447fluent-plugin-filter-single_keyFluentd filter plugin that Explode record to single key record.
161,1452,447json_api_client-utilsThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
161,1452,447gitlab-akerlRuby client and CLI for GitLab API
161,1452,447minima-extendedJekyll Minima Theme : Extended
161,1452,447katiThis gonna be ROCK!!!