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161221-161240 of all 180,554 gems.
161,2202,454packupThis gem provides a simple DSL for making MSI packages.
161,2202,454magnetsComing soon.
161,2202,454sirbMetaheuristics for Logistics Problems
161,2202,454muxmlMap XML to Object
161,2202,454xls_to_rdfConverts xls file to RDF graph
161,2202,454SearchingNamereturns name
161,2202,454grundlerGrundler is the simplest (as in most understandable) way to install npm packages.
161,2202,454fluent-plugin-filter-single_keyFluentd filter plugin that Explode record to single key record.
161,2202,454gitlab-akerlRuby client and CLI for GitLab API
161,2202,454Yaak0v_palindromeLE Ruby palindrome detector
161,2202,454open_weather_serviceAllows you to get the current weather and the forecast of the current week
161,2202,454roadfoodProvides details on the most recent reviews from
161,2202,454simple_default_valuesSimple default values on creation of ActiveRecord models.
161,2202,454dep_collectorRuby Gem To collect the project dependencies and operating system information.
161,2202,454longbow-fdvOne codebase. Multiple App Store submission targets with different icons, launch images...
161,2202,454testfirstgemWrite a longer description or delete this line.
161,2372,453fowers_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
161,2372,453pry-yesPry plugin for re-running the previous command with "Did you mean?" suggestion.
161,2372,453html_meta_tagsManage HTML meta tags in rails admin area to improve SEO, manage their i18n title, desc...