Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
162581-162600 of all 180,507 gems.
162,5712,373mblintCode Smell For IIB
162,5712,373mindbody-api-v6No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen
162,5712,373alexa_receiverConvert Alexa requests into a tree of Ruby objects and values.
162,5712,373sivchainAdvanced symmetric encryption using the AES-SIV (RFC 5297) and CHAIN constructions
162,5852,372rack-verify-line-botRack middleware for verifying signature of LINE Bot callback
162,5852,372auto_grapherEasy GraphQL for Rails
162,5852,372animal-identiconRuby library for generation animal icons using SVG
162,5852,372hola_harashoA simple hello world gem
162,5852,372water_cannonWrite a longer description or delete this line.
162,5852,372barkley_view_toolOutput generated html data in Rails
162,5852,372apple_storesApple retail store location finder by entering State, supplying a list of Apple Stores ...
162,5852,372wanglu_clientA ruby client which can access all Wanglu's API.
162,5852,372minitest-neovimFixes running minitest tests in vim-dispatch-neovim using neovim's terminal
162,5852,372itamae-plugin-recipe-goenvItamae plugin to install golang with goenv
162,5852,372model_orchestrationIn more complex workflows, multiple models that are related to each other need to be cr...
162,5962,371devcampProvides generated HTML data for Rails applicatons
162,5962,371paranoid_androidA paranoid android that helps automate code reviews on Bitbucket via static analysis tools
162,5962,371brew_outdated_formatterBrewOutdatedFormatter is a command-line tool to format output of `brew outdated --verbose`
162,5962,371rails-assets-bulma-dividerDisplay a vertical or horizontal divider to segment your design.
162,5962,371issa_wrapGem based on the word wrap kata.