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162661-162680 of all 180,518 gems.
162,6482,369open_dotoRuby gem for accessing the OpenDota API
162,6482,369sinatra_spotlightBuild simple applications based on the mvc model of rails, in a lean way using sinatra ...
162,6482,369encapsulateA small framework that enables encapsulating pieces of code within eachother.
162,6482,369holajagA simple hello world gem
162,6482,369supremoprovides supreme control over an application to where it integrates. Run code from your...
162,6662,368tpb_search'Search The Pirate Bay for torrents and magnet links'
162,6662,368customer_privacy_api_rubyThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
162,6662,368hako-s3Provide variables from S3 object
162,6662,368brunocruz_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails Application
162,6662,368pluginscanScans WordPress plugins for potential issues and vulnerabilities
162,6662,368mccrackenA JSON API Spec client for Ruby
162,6662,368enzo-durand-thermostat-exerciseThermostat app
162,6662,368spec_fillerUse your schema to fill out a FactoryBot file
162,6662,368crypto_view_toolCopyright tool.
162,6662,368season-formatsseason-formats - read / parse and print seasons (using an academic or calendar year
162,6662,368dash_creatorDashCreator is a client-side dashboard creator gem. It can be used with any database to...
162,6662,368rabbit-slide-aycabta-rubyconf-2019IRB Reboot: Modernize Implementation and Features
162,6662,368my_copyright_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
162,6662,368collection_controllerA great concern for basic Rail's collection/member style controllers.