Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
164161-164180 of all 180,448 gems.
164,1482,285red-datasets-numo-narrayRed Datasets Numo::NArray adds `#to_narray` method to each dataset in Red Datasets. You...
164,1482,285logstash-output-daqThis gem is a logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
164,1482,285quietlyQuietly aims to make dealing with IO redirection easy. It originally started as a simpl...
164,1642,284hltv_scrappingSimple gem to get csgo pro infos
164,1642,284mine-shipperDuplicate comments in GitHub issues to Redmine
164,1642,284paper-stackA paper-stacking theme for Jekyll.
164,1642,284wheelhouse-mediaMedia Library component for Wheelhouse CMS.
164,1642,284fluent-plugin-tcp_outputOutput plugin to TCP Socket
164,1642,284passrPassr is a simple Ruby gem handling password generation, encryption and decryption.
164,1642,284internet_archiveSimple gem to submit links to various internet archive services
164,1642,284water-cssA simple Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages, using Water.css styling
164,1642,284async_paperclip_uploaderAsync paperclip uploader
164,1642,284HashExHashEx::Base is an abstract class need to override #convert_key. HashEx::JsObject is a ...
164,1642,284person_pinGenerate Bulgarian and Romanian person pins
164,1642,284hola-daniel-moralesA simple hello world gem
164,1642,284fastlane-plugin-ipa_scale"Checks the size of your built .ipa and warns you if you you are near the given thresho...
164,1642,284chateaA Ruby chat application suitable to be embedded in you existent rack application.
164,1642,284line-bot-message-builderReply Message Builders for Line Messaging API