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Most downloads over all time
164201-164220 of all 180,404 gems.
164,1912,277red-datasets-numo-narrayRed Datasets Numo::NArray adds `#to_narray` method to each dataset in Red Datasets. You...
164,1912,277public_primary_keyIt's often advantageous to use integer primary keys, but it m...
164,1912,277jesses_view_toolProvides genereated HTML data for Rails applications.
164,1912,277halesProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
164,1912,277overworld-uiSimple game server creation, hosting, and management. UI functionality for Overworld.
164,1912,277logstash-output-daqThis gem is a logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
164,1912,277sidekiq_livinessSidekiqLiviness offers a solution to add liveness probe of a Sidekiq instance.
164,1912,277probiumA CLI tool that uses Puppet resources to validate YAML or JSON policies.
164,1912,277smooticus_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for my rails applications.
164,2112,276alvin_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails Applications.
164,2112,276ropetRopet parses options and provides easy API for developer
164,2112,276word_wrap_gemThis gem wraps words to the next line based on the column lengthman rak
164,2112,276forget-passwordsThis little module (and attendant command line tool and rackup app) exists for the purp...
164,2112,276nsq-krakowNSQ ruby library
164,2112,276rabbit-slide-kou-groonga-seminar-2017-08MySQL・MariaDB・PostgreSQLを使ってリッチな全文検索システムを実装する方法を紹介します。 リッチな全文検索システムとは、単に全文検索できるだけではありま...
164,2112,276html2latexThis GEM translate HTML tag to Latex Code
164,2112,276laag-nasmLibrary as a Gem - nasm
164,2112,276pry-visualizerVisualize results of pry commands to a website.
164,2112,276rake_deployConfigurable rake tasks for deploying static content via rsync