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164541-164560 of all 180,717 gems.
164,5162,295UrpiGem Urpi created with Ruby, is a dynamic and scalable password generator following a sp...
164,5162,295my_kt_demoTest Gem
164,5162,295jakka_rubySummary of description
164,5162,295raw_to_aAdds raw_to_a to ActiveRecord to execute a query and return an array of simple hashes
164,5162,295plug_demotesting theplugin
164,5162,295deezifyA simple command line tool which transfers spotify playlists to your deezer account.
164,5472,294henloBased on the Knock gem, offers options to further customize secure authentication pract...
164,5472,294archieArchie the architect
164,5472,294best-movies-near-meLists Movies That Are Actually Good, Actually Playing Near Me
164,5472,294tavignanoA tool to help automate more complex Heroku deploys, stage pushes, and rollbacks
164,5472,294state_machine_deuxitoFork of seuros/state_machine for use by DU
164,5472,294doctor_railsDr. Rails: improving your uptime since 2013.
164,5472,294kiio_labs_view_toolProvides general html data for Rails applications.
164,5472,294paperclip-ipfs-storageThe paperclip storage library to save files on IPFS network.
164,5472,294doodlesackSave time building and deploying your Expo React Native app.
164,5472,294elemacRuby binding for ELEMAC SA-03 aquarium controller
164,5472,294arboldefine DSP-like function chains for your lights
164,5472,294tiny_work_serviceuses the tiny_tcp_service gem to implement a network job queue
164,5472,294fluent_0.12-plugin-syslog-tlsSyslog TLS output plugin with formatting support, for Fluentd