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Most downloads over all time
164481-164500 of all 180,599 gems.
164,4722,285howell_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
164,4722,285Viewing_View_ToolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
164,4722,285dragonfly-imgur_data_storeData store for storing Dragonfly images on Imgur
164,4722,285sysctlA wrapper around sysctl to make its use cool in OpenBSD too
164,4722,285symptomssumCounts symptom occurances
164,4722,285omniauth-clearbitOfficial OmniAuth strategy for Clearbit.
164,4722,285truong_gf_beautyA simple gem which will beautify your Gemfile
164,4722,285resourcemqA client server Resource API with message queues
164,4722,285view_tool_trighhornProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications
164,4722,285truong_beautyA simple gem which will beautify your Gemfile
164,4722,285basket_casedoes string things with letter casing.
164,4722,285capistrano-terraformRun Terraform tasks as part of your Capistrano v3 deployments, or just simply use Capis...
164,4722,285rtgSimple typing game
164,4722,285gdaxFull featured Ruby client to GDAX Exchange API by Coinbase
164,4722,285project_pathGet proejct root path.
164,4972,284omniauth-translationexchangeTranslation Exchange strategy for SSO using OmniAuth framework
164,4972,284CartBinaryUploaderAnd after all will input some here to do
164,4972,284blacklight-sitemapsDynamically generated sitemaps for Blacklight applications
164,4972,284nobuhikosawai_first_gemfirst gem