Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
164661-164680 of all 180,702 gems.
164,6452,286motawordGem for interacting with the motaword API
164,6452,286rails_matchingUse this gem to match attributes between your object instances. It basically returns t...
164,6452,286sshkit_addonAddon of the sshkit
164,6452,286k_adminSimple admin interface for data administration.
164,6652,285sikulioA Page Object style framework leveraging Sikuli
164,6652,285webview-ffiRuby FFI Binding to Library.
164,6652,285attr_value_objectdefines getter and setter via Value Object to separate logic from model
164,6652,285the_new_engineYeah! It's me new amazing gem
164,6652,285rates_snameConvert money from once currency to another
164,6652,285pixyll_ashawleyA simple, beautiful Jekyll theme that's mobile first.
164,6652,285parliamentarianThis will download and parse the lastest list of members and their contact details for ...
164,6652,285light_service-validated_contextLightService plugin adding DSL for expected/promised keys validation
164,6652,285kubeImperavi Kube CSS & JS framework for the Rails asset pipeline.
164,6652,285gitpointA Simple command line app to search git repos and fetch language statistics.
164,6652,285sv_codebreakerWrite a longer description or delete this line.
164,6652,285google-cloud-storage-extensionGem to extend google-cloud-storage gem
164,6652,285sk_requeueGem to use Sidekiq and Rails Models for Requeing
164,6652,285jorckJekyll,Org-mode and Ruby are construct knowledge.
164,6652,285napua_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
164,6652,285vagrant-aws-alb-target-groupSetup AWS ALB Target Group