Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
164741-164760 of all 180,530 gems.
164,7292,266pobno_view_toolProvides generated HTML code for Rails apps.
164,7292,266dependency_updaterThis tool 1. create's a new branch 2. runs 'bundle update' 3. find's the latest patch-l...
164,7292,266simplest-gemThis gem was created for an example. You can use command "simplest-gem" that puts rando...
164,7292,266sixarm_ruby_date_time_randomAdds extensions for DateTime#random, Date#random, Time#random
164,7462,265logstash-output-swiftThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
164,7462,265uthUnit Test Helper.
164,7462,265thompson_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
164,7462,265ssl_certificateWrapper of OpenSSL::X509::Certificate
164,7462,265edjElite Dangerous Journal handling
164,7462,265hola-123A simple hello world gem
164,7462,265inspirecodeWhen you feel frustrated, this gem will display a random inspirational quote in your te...
164,7462,265eno_string_extendEno StringExtend adds useful feature into string class
164,7542,264api_navigatorApiNavigator base on api_navigator from Oriol Gual
164,7542,264hello_gem_rmJust tupe 'gem install hello_gem'
164,7542,264montoya_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
164,7542,264jekyll-site-treeA jekyll generator which creates a site-tree consisting of all the files in the output ...
164,7542,264book-releasesBook_Releases_Cli_App lists upcoming book releases by "Barnes and Noble" and "Books a M...
164,7542,264bank_gateway_samanHelp you to handle all requests to saman payment gateway
164,7542,264tfl-togglToggl v8 API wrapper (See