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Most downloads over all time
165001-165020 of all 180,488 gems.
164,9902,246crossriverbankCrossRiverBank Ruby Client
164,9902,246pronto-gitlab_resolverPronto gitlab formatter extension that marks resolved comments
164,9902,246armisticeHardware private key storage for next-generation cryptography (e.g. BLS) initially targ...
164,9902,246wentling_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails application.
164,9902,246messenger-bot-clientA library for supporting implementation of Facebook Messenger Bots.
164,9902,246hola_hieuA simple hello world gem
164,9902,246movie_gemDisplays the top 25 sci-fi movies
164,9902,246jekyll-dryJekyll plugin that helps you to implement the DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principle whi...
164,9902,246janie-htmltowordConvert html to word docx document.
164,9902,246clochardClojure data structures for JRuby
165,0112,245ekseks tool
165,0112,245crazy_trainProvides a RESTful API for database tables for your rails apps.
165,0112,245onemoretestcalchjhjhjSimple calculator API hosted on APIMATIC
165,0112,245ggxrd-framesThis gem scrapes GGXrd official frame data page ( an...
165,0112,245middleman-cache-doAdds a cache method to helpers and templates which helps cache blocks of expensive code
165,0112,245tool_devcamp_viewProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
165,0112,245montague_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for rails applications.
165,0112,245mintakaprovides statics page inserts and control
165,0112,245scrap_cbf_recordScrapCbfRecord is a module from ScrapCbf gem. It is responsible for saving the data scr...
165,0112,245chime-zipcodesThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.