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165081-165100 of all 180,434 gems.
165,0732,232johnmaces_cool_studio_gemHello! This is a game. Run the studio_game.rb file to start the game. Type in a number ...
165,0732,232snifterKeeping an eye on twitter to monitor user feedback for your product
165,0732,232air-theme-jekyllGhost Air Theme For Jekyll
165,0732,232hipmostMigrate your hipchat history to Mattermost
165,0732,232bitsmith_backendBackend for the BitSmith digital publishing platform.
165,0732,232owen_wowsSearch and view every time Owen Wilson said "Wow" in a movie.See https://owen-wilson-wo...
165,0732,232omnichannelThis libraries allows sending messages to various channels such as WhatsApp, Viber and ...
165,0732,232gametoolsA gem of tools for Ruby game development using GLFW 3 and OpenGL.
165,0732,232videojs-ng-youtubeYouTube playback technology for Video.js
165,0902,231sqs-list-queuessqs-list-queues lists your SQS queues (working around the 1000 queue limit in the L...
165,0902,231hola_vietA simple hello world gem
165,0902,231GreenGiantThemeA theme based on Green Giant FM's website.
165,0902,231easy_pipedrivePipedrive api rest client for consume this service on a wrap gem
165,0902,231siftery-wisper-sidekiqAsync publishing for Wisper using Sidekiq
165,0902,231elevationGoogle Elevation API client
165,0902,231email_validator_plalEmail validator
165,0902,231nr-fluent-testSends FluentD events to New Relic
165,0902,231glennr-ey-scpQuickly copy files (e.g. YMLs or configuration files) to multiple EngineYard servers
165,0902,231nimbler-pathReplace File and Path methods with Nim alternatives for speed