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Most downloads over all time
168181-168200 of all 180,477 gems.
168,1702,042rubocop-modularizationFill this out!
168,1702,042gv1my first gem
168,1702,042ismedicineA simple gem
168,1702,042livermoreTrading Bot
168,1852,041env_utilsThis gem provides Ruby utilities for Env
168,1852,041zzheynowThe function of this gem will be oriented to people who are using our app after hours, ...
168,1852,041burnit_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications
168,1852,041detect_language-clientDetect language for given text.
168,1852,041jekyll-ruby_converterJekyll plugin that adds {ruby|ルビ} syntax support
168,1852,041ecraft-owDevuelve el tiempo segun la ciudad y cuenta letras en un pdf
168,1852,041commissionworkPixel Commissionwork engine
168,1852,041nanorpcCommunicate with the Nano/RaiBlocks network
168,1852,041makeup_maker["Search makeup manufacturers stock and corp info"]
168,1852,041blobfish-ejbca-client-rubyRuby client currently allowing to perform certain operations with EJBCA services, e.g. ...
168,1852,041brandtryan_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
168,1852,041orion6_repUse this gem to manage several features of the Henry Orion 6 eletronic timeclocks, like...
168,1852,041analytics-linkA beautiful, minimal theme for Jekyll.
168,1852,041stella_gcm_xmppThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
168,1992,040fluent-plugin-split-stringfluentd filter plugin to split messages containing multiple log lines
168,1992,040meser_ongkirMeserOngkir is a clean, powerful, customizable and sophisticated shipping cost plugin f...