Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
168201-168220 of all 180,477 gems.
168,1992,040pact-cliAmalgamated pact CLI
168,1992,040pry-clipboard2pry-clipboard2 allows you to copy Pry results and history to your clipboard.
168,1992,040i18n_def_scannerCLI tool accepts yaml key as argument and returns file path withline number where trans...
168,1992,040omenkish_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
168,1992,040soaring_simple_captchaSoaringSimpleCaptcha is available to be used with Rails 3 or above and also it provides...
168,1992,040holaSummerA simple hello world gem
168,1992,040first_gem_ahsanFirst gem for practice
168,1992,040pairing_functionAny pairing function can be used in set theory to prove that integers and rational numb...
168,1992,040douyin_imageA gem to generate douyin style image.Have fun!😊
168,1992,040ordliteordlite - ordinals inscription (on bitcoin & co) database let's you query via sql and more
168,1992,040gonficGonfic: Configuration gem for commandline tools. Provides easy access to config, merged...
168,1992,040rabbit-slide-komainu8-dbstudychugoku-28thPostgreSQL で使用できる全文検索の拡張に PGroonga という高速で高性能な拡張があります。 PGroonga は、全言語対応の超高速全文検索機能を Postg...
168,1992,040grim_objectGenerate grim Heroku-like object names.
168,1992,040marcxellaA little library for reading MARC-XML, for when you just need to deal with it quickly.
168,2152,039echolorecho, with colour, built for your command line.
168,2152,039hex_formatterConvert hexadecimal to Base58 formatted strings and back with support for Digix Asset I...
168,2152,039top_movies_of_the_yearList Top Movies provide details related to the top movie selected
168,2152,039kudosuSudoku solver and generator
168,2152,039httpseriousMakes http fun! Also, makes consuming restful web services dead easy.
168,2152,039websocket-serverWebsocket Server for JRuby is a websocket server with a file server to support a demo j...