Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
171381-171400 of all 180,454 gems.
171,3791,802rabbit-slide-wikimatze-vim-and-flogHow to use flog to browse a git repo. Gave this talk at the Vimberlin March 2019 meetup...
171,3791,802jass-vue-sfcCompile Vue SFCs for Sprockets
171,3791,802impertinentThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
171,3791,802devfromclidevfromcli allows users to fetch latest articles on the platform (users ...
171,3791,802vpkc_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector.
171,3791,802shopify-translation_platformThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
171,3791,802html_classProvides dynamic html class name generation.
171,3791,802kenmaAST Macro in Ruby
171,3791,802manualAutomatic controller documentation using rspec
171,3791,802terraformdsl(experimental) DSL to generate Terraform *.tf file
171,3911,801lab3lab 3 assignment for software Specification & Design Lab
171,3911,801shin-webpackerthin and 'shin' webpack integration to rails app.
171,3911,801polar-accesslink-api-gemPolar Accesslink API documentation
171,3911,801toriiSimple authentication and authorization solution for Ruby apps
171,3911,801custom_cookstyleNo functionality
171,3911,801refinerycms-api-wrapperInteract with Refinery CMS API using this awesome gem.
171,3911,801faraday-rashifyThis middleware was extracted from faraday_middleware.
171,3911,801active_elastic_job_gunnerRun background jobs / tasks of Rails applications deployed in Amazon Elastic Beanstalk ...
171,3911,801mathjax-rails-3This gem maintains MathJax at a system-wide directory.
171,3911,801asdf-discoverSimple command to discover what should be in ASDF's .tool-versions file