Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
171421-171440 of all 180,418 gems.
171,4211,790httpsensibleAn HTTP client with sensible defaults.
171,4211,790carray-timeindexTimeIndex in Ruby
171,4211,790jekyll-strapi-customA Custom Jekyll plugin for retrieving content from a Strapi API for Latest Jekyll Versions
171,4211,790shortpixelRuby bindings for ShortPixel Api. ShortPixel Api docs can be found here: https://shortp...
171,4211,790chuck_norris_jokesThis gem allows you to fetch and integrate chuck norris jokes from It h...
171,4211,790jscom_iceSimple Jekyll theme created for
171,4211,790physics_plusphysics_plus - basic formulas in physics
171,4211,790flamerbFlame is a powerful Ruby gem designed to simplify and streamline application developmen...
171,4211,790dexter_plusplusA Ruby PokeDex Gem that allows users to explore Pokemon and Items in the Pokemon Universe
171,4211,790red-rocksSimple web scraper gem that returns the next show at Red Rocks.
171,4311,789simple_operations_arithmeticA simple math gem to add/multiply..etc.
171,4311,789kiwanuka94_palindromeLean enough ruby palindrome detector
171,4311,789forkworkerForkworker lets you manage forking workloads easily
171,4311,789bibletoolsPerforms a word count within a specified book. Returns the verses within a specified bo...
171,4311,789tony_correia_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
171,4311,789lazy_nameslazy_names is ruby programmer friend. You can save your time not typing long error-phon...
171,4311,789hutch-retryReprocess failed messages using an exponential backoff algorithm
171,4311,789ssmcliA command line tool that allows you to run commands on an ec2 instance via an ssm command.
171,4311,789denkoGPIO library for Ruby
171,4311,789piglatinizerprovides a method to translate a phrase into piglatin