Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
171701-171720 of all 180,459 gems.
171,6971,763phearzero.github.ioPhearZero Jekyll Theme
171,6971,763cocoapods-jysourceA short description of cocoapods-jysource.
171,6971,763outpost-themeTheme for my personal website.
171,7041,762active_model_presentersEnhances application models with a simple and unobtrusive Presenter pattern implementat...
171,7041,762rubyprobotPlaceholder by RubyGems Security Team
171,7041,762rakuten_securities楽天証券スクレイパー / Rakuten Securities Scraper
171,7041,762get_set_goA gem to make development faster and easier with templates
171,7081,761rprubyCucumber and RSpec clients for EPAM ReportPortal system
171,7081,761rbstarPuzzle game inspired by an old HP 48 called dstar
171,7081,761faraday-statsdThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
171,7081,761trackstarCreate a simple log and track your practice hours from the commandline.
171,7081,761rails_financeDescription of RailsDoc.
171,7081,761glmathRuby Math Helper for OpenGL
171,7081,761lsuuidUniversally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier
171,7151,760fastlane-plugin-xcode_build_configurationplugin for doing xcode build configuration specific things
171,7151,760jekyll-theme-quartzA crystalline Jekyll theme for blog
171,7151,760instant18nUses the power of OpenAI's GPT large language AI models to generate translations for yo...
171,7151,760shopify-proctorThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
171,7151,760ruby_abstract_classHelp to make a class or a method as abstract.