Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
171781-171800 of all 180,661 gems.
171,7781,781fastlane-plugin-googledrive_spquytCRUD files and folders on Google Drive
171,7781,781prillaman_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
171,7781,781defrostFrozen objects: hard to use, can't mutate them, boring. Defrosted objects: exciting, dy...
171,7841,780ntl-raygun_clientClient for the Raygun API
171,7841,780fastlane-plugin-xcode_build_configurationplugin for doing xcode build configuration specific things
171,7841,780denon_avrCommand interface for Denon AVR receivers.
171,7871,779redis_rejson_modelsDocument-like ORM based on Redis key value store - previously named redis_rejson_models...
171,7871,779huawei_cloud_sassThis gem provide the core encryption, decryption and signature methods that response to...
171,7871,779graphql-constraint-directiveAllow using @constraint as a directive to validate input data. inspired by https://gith...
171,7871,779solargraph-cookstyleCookstyle reporter for solargraph
171,7871,779nottoobrutalA barebones theme used by
171,7871,779pillarComponent based rails applications mad easy.
171,7871,779dubbletrack_remotePosts data from automation systems to Requires dubbletrack account
171,7951,778enlettresCe gem permet de traduire des nombres entiers en toute lettre et en Français, typiqueme...
171,7951,778logger_plusLogger Plus allows any additional information to be passed in the log method
171,7951,778karafka-proKarafka Pro is auto-configured based on the license file.
171,7951,778citronellaWebdriver extension with a page object wrapper
171,7991,777retrospectA command line tool for saving thoughts for your next retrospective
171,7991,777motion-lagerFull featured logger for use in RubyMotion apps.