Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
171961-171980 of all 180,488 gems.
171,9601,729edotesini deskrip
171,9601,729gallery-cssGallery.css is all CSS. Think: Simple, maintainable and understandable galleries withou...
171,9601,729lokap-trackableTracks activities/events on ActiveRecord models
171,9641,728find_github_emailFind GitHub Email is a gem to find any GitHub user's email addresses based on their...
171,9641,728better-graphql-detect-invalid-id-fieldDetect invalid id field for GraphQL types by detecting divergent fields between nodes r...
171,9641,728dappgenGenerates Rails apps
171,9641,728pricing_engineThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
171,9641,728thinreports-cliUnofficial and Experimental Thinreports command-line tool.
171,9641,728peperushaPeperusha use the power of ruby interactors to bring in better error handling and edge ...
171,9641,728code-scanning-standardThis gem adds a SARIF formatter to Standard, so we can export alerts as code scans insi...
171,9641,728payment_service_clientThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
171,9641,728act_with_booleansHandles booleans packed in an integer
171,9641,728item_models_2gem for active record item models
171,9641,728chime-holdoutThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
171,9751,727darwinexRuby client for the Darwinex API.
171,9751,727lita-doubler-qwerticDoubles numbers - simple demo skill
171,9751,727jekyll-theme-docsifyJust another documentation theme compatible with GitHub Pages, based on docsify
171,9751,727workarea-affirmAffirm payments solution
171,9751,727gem_calculatingCalculator gem that can add, subtract, multiply, and divide
171,9751,727unleashed_clientA Ruby wrapper for Unleashed API