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Most downloads over all time
172021-172040 of all 180,477 gems.
172,0191,720jekyll-s3_deployHost your static Jekyll site in an Amazon S3 bucket
172,0191,720sellsy_v2Very simple and basic RESTClient for Sellsy V2 API
172,0191,720fiefDownloads statistics from GitHub and builds a nice HTML report
172,0191,720get_rootGet the root directory of your git repository.
172,0191,720glimmer-dsl-jfxGlimmer DSL for JFX (JRuby JavaFX Desktop Development GUI Library) - Enables developmen...
172,0191,720shipping_baseThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
172,0271,719legendAPI for Legendario neswpaper
172,0271,719affixAffix provides an unified API to access different payment gateways in Indonesia.
172,0271,719proto_clientUsed to create ActiveRecord looking service clients.
172,0271,719xcpretty-custom-print-formatterFormatter for xcpretty customized to provide pretty custom output
172,0271,719miteras_batch_applicationmiteras batch application
172,0321,718fluent-plugin-conditional-tag-rewriteConditional Tag Rewrite is designed to re-emit records with a different tag. Multiple A...
172,0321,718espinosa2020I'm running for prez!
172,0321,718isbn-calculatorCalculates the check digit of a partial ISBN
172,0321,718ydateA subclass of Object includes Comparable module for handling dates.
172,0321,718replikantView components for Rails
172,0321,718musedownA music notation markdown builder.
172,0321,718xaXA provides a way to write executable annotations in Ruby.
172,0321,718cosy-jekyllcosy-jekyll is a responsive blog template providing a good reading experience. No jQuer...
172,0321,718carinfosaveCar info save app