Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
172141-172160 of all 180,418 gems.
172,1371,690fastlane-plugin-googledrive_spquytCRUD files and folders on Google Drive
172,1371,690markdown_to_rspecThis gem converts text in markdown format into text in RSpec format.
172,1371,690daviddoConvert everyday boring English into doge speak!
172,1371,690kontena-plugin-scalewayKontena plugin to deploy over Scaleway
172,1371,690shopify-graphql-copsThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
172,1371,690serbea-railsRails plugin for Serbea
172,1371,690bm25fA fast implementation of the BM25F ranking algorithm for information retrieval systems,...
172,1371,690pardot_wrapperA gem PardotWrapper é uma biblioteca Ruby projetada para simplificar a interação com a ...
172,1371,690gruffleParallel graph processing for Ruby
172,1511,689appscms-themeA beautiful, minimal theme for Jekyll.
172,1511,689hello-mamaA gem that says hello mama!
172,1511,689expo-flubberUpdate your react native expo apps Over-The-Air without size restriction
172,1511,689jerkyJerky is a gem to help you use your Rails Credentials and Configurations.
172,1511,689rspec_creative_travelerIn case of rspec, travel to past, make action, and come back immediately
172,1511,689tx_asrfor development app with tencent cloud ASR(Automatic Speech Recognition)
172,1511,689rails_credentials_custom_keyProvides a way to get the master key in Rails other than environment variables and key ...
172,1511,689brasilapiAcesso programático de informações é algo fundamental na comunicação entre sistemas, ma...
172,1511,689bostaThis gem simplifies the integration process with Bosta. create, update and track your...
172,1601,688bajawaBajawa is a jekyll theme starter for a simple and clean blog.