Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
172481-172500 of all 180,671 gems.
172,4811,687http-serverSimple http server for local development
172,4811,687boxtal_liteClient to access shipment API
172,4811,687bayserver-docker-wordpressBayServer is one of the high-speed web servers. It operates as a single-threaded, async...
172,4841,686runtime_clientThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
172,4841,686anthonyA simple gem
172,4841,686shaliu_foodieThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
172,4841,686blessing_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
172,4841,686jekyll-no-matterthis plugin patches Jekyll::Reader so that it pretends that files with endings spec...
172,4841,686swiftfire-jekyll-themeA responsive 1, 2 or 3 column theme for wide, medium and narrow with drop(down) menu. T...
172,4841,686behind_the_nameUnofficial Ruby Client for
172,4911,685hola_takayasugiyamaA simple hello world gem
172,4911,685time_calculatorA gem that calculates your time in terms of like '1 day ago' and '3 months ago'
172,4911,685dynamicAIAn infinite memorization algorithm for allowing self-modification. In practice, this wo...
172,4911,685retail_calendarsSupports 445, 454 and 544 calendars
172,4911,685rswsExtremely simple but powerful web server library
172,4911,685osuny_apiGem Ruby pour l'API Osuny
172,4911,685index_checkerA simple Ruby gem for Index statistic information checking
172,4911,685ascii_pngfyAsciiPngfy is a Ruby Gem that enables you to render ASCII text into a PNG image up to a...
172,4991,684devserver_noticeDevelopment server notice - inject HTML with notice to your dev server
172,4991,684ipay-railsREST API Client for iPay payment gateway