Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
172841-172860 of all 180,488 gems.
172,8341,615fastlane-plugin-maestroRunning maestro test commands from fastlane
172,8341,615stealth-alexaAlexa driver for Stealth.
172,8431,614lumioneConvert money in one currency into another
172,8431,614jekyll-xml-sourceJekyll XML Source is a plugin that will download XML from external sites and makes the ...
172,8431,614imp-apiIntelligent and pluginable Package Manager
172,8431,614Depression666This gem show you assets of stock.
172,8431,614kwyktreeKnow-What-You-Know Tree
172,8431,614cool_soccerA command-line application that reads a listing of game results for a soccer league as ...
172,8431,614inspec_deltaQuality of Life tools for managing inspec profiles.
172,8431,614env_extenv_ext adds additional methods to ENV for common environment variables, used on Linux,...
172,8431,614libconsoleConsole inspired from JavaScript, Github Actions, Linux...
172,8531,613jonsnowRuby app to kill the night king
172,8531,613microcRun subset of C in Ruby
172,8531,613ruby_graphA simple graph-library for ruby
172,8531,613Recipes_appRecipes_app generates random recipes for users
172,8531,613finleapfinleap gem description
172,8531,613active_swaggerDSL to extend ActiveModel with swagger stuff
172,8531,613whirlpoolWhirlpool is a hash designed after the Square block cipher, and is considered to be in ...
172,8531,613ladder-gemCall ladder everywhere (even bundled gems) and feel like it's GOTO-2019