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172901-172920 of all 180,488 gems.
172,9001,607ib-orientdbPart of IB-Ruby. Methods do store data from the TWS in a OrientDB-Database.
172,9001,607lucas_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
172,9001,607xrpRipple XRP Library
172,9001,607letoGeneric object traverser
172,9001,607spotifyexporterExport your Spotify playlists
172,9001,607jekyll-git-hashAdds Git hash to the properties of the Jekyll site
172,9071,606rack-jwt-decodeRack middleware to decode the JWT token and add the payload to the Rack env
172,9071,606kinesis-aggregationRead and write AWS KPL aggregate messages
172,9071,606sorcery-oauthAdds plugins to Sorcery for supporting OAuth login.
172,9071,606lex-pingConnects Legion to Slack
172,9071,606vueappTools for creating and developing vue.js applications easily
172,9071,606standard_pathStandard Path for corss-platform gems.
172,9071,606lifeblooda hyperfocused Jekyll theme for documentation
172,9071,606osuny_apiGem Ruby pour l'API Osuny
172,9151,605gptermgpterm is a powerful, flexible and dangerous command-line tool designed to help you gen...
172,9151,605ruby-ip2Context Aware IP Address Manipulation Library
172,9151,605store-digest-httpHTTP front-end to Store::Digest
172,9151,605payhere-sdkRiley Digital Services Payhere API Client for Ruby
172,9151,605omniauth-inspurThis is the strategy for authenticating to your Inspur service
172,9151,605rbenchmarkerRbenchmarker is a gem that allows you to automatically benchmark the execution time of ...