Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
173701-173720 of all 180,629 gems.
173,6961,528muncraftA simple hello world gem
173,6961,528sortiriSortiri is a clean and lightweight solution for making ActiveRecord::Base objects sorta...
173,6961,528quiz_broker_clientServes as the client for reading and writing to brokered data in Canvas New Quizzes
173,6961,528set_stock_botA simple web scaping to check stock from
173,6961,528taksiUseful toolset to build a backend over the concept of backend-driven UI (aka. backend f...
173,7061,527shepherd-railsA modern wrapper for using Shepherd.js with Ruby on Rails
173,7061,527hlockey-cliHlockey console application.
173,7061,527lita-doubler-test-sellykartikaDoubles numbers - simple demo skill
173,7061,527ruby-niktoA Ruby interface to Nikto, the Web Server scanner.
173,7101,526mb-soundA library of simple Ruby tools for processing sound. This is a companion library to...
173,7101,526capybara-reloadsUtilities for Capybara to allow us to reload the page and check if examples will then p...
173,7101,526hubburuA tracer for integrating Hubburu with GraphQL Ruby
173,7101,526recollect-arrayFilter collections using predicates like Ransack gem.
173,7101,526omniauthv2-shibbolethOmniAuth Shibboleth strategies for OmniAuth 2.x
173,7101,526testing_xssJust an attempt to own a few things. console.log
173,7101,526fastlane_ciOpen source, self hosted, mobile optimized CI powered by fastlane
173,7101,526zerobounceindia-sdkA Ruby client for
173,7101,526bitcoinaverage-rubyA simple Ruby wrapper for BitCoin Average API
173,7191,525sdl_validatorA small library to check if SIPs have valid front matter