Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
173721-173740 of all 180,717 gems.
173,7211,543the_where_prea demo that practice to create a gem
173,7211,543browzeA wrapper around HTTParty to quick start scraping tasks.
173,7211,543strong_queriesA GraphQL-inspired querying plugin for Rails with usage similar to strong_parameters.
173,7211,543fastlane-plugin-shake_bugsUpload deobfuscation files for Android and symbolication files for iOS to Shake
173,7211,543sourceressEvent sourcing library for ruby
173,7211,543set_stockA web scraper that show the stock name on and print the last assets value
173,7281,542conf-stackHierarchical configuration management
173,7281,542nokogiri-html5-inferenceInfer from the HTML5 input whether it's a fragment or a document, and if it's a fragmen...
173,7281,542peatio-ganjacoinGanjacoin Peatio gem which implements Peatio::Blockchain::Abstract & Peatio::Wallet::Ab...
173,7311,541falafelFalafel is a gem that will hopefully help you better understand automata and formal lan...
173,7311,541arangodbDo not use this! This could be a malicious gem because you didn't check if the code Cha...
173,7311,541omniauth-gotoOfficial OmniAuth strategy for GoTo.
173,7311,541surenotify_railsAn adapter for using Surenotify with Rails and Action Mailer
173,7311,541ruby-pomodoroCLI pomodoro-tracker
173,7311,541thermostat_Daan_Ver_EeckeA simple thermostat gem
173,7311,541rails3_before_render_rbprovides a before_render method for action_controllers
173,7391,540satori-rtm-sdkRuby SDK for Satori RTM
173,7391,540textationSimple text analysis with Ruby