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Most downloads over all time
176181-176200 of all 183,202 gems.
176,1811,292TormenTeDx_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
176,1811,292manish_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
176,1831,291gettestmailA Ruby cleint SDK so you can easily integrate GetTestMail into your Ruby application. G...
176,1831,291spell_craftYet another code generator to make you type less stuff
176,1831,291dubcalculatorThis is my first gem. It is a simple calculator that can add, subtract, multiply, and d...
176,1861,290feastFeast is a web framework. It focuses on speed, simplicity and type safety. It makes dev...
176,1861,290bitintA 2's-complement integer of arbitrary length
176,1861,290tool_tailorToolTailor is a Ruby gem that converts methods to OpenAI JSON schemas for use with tool...
176,1861,290spree_surrogate_keyAdd (optional) extension description here
176,1901,289validation_errorsEasily track all the validation errors on your database so that you can analyse them.
176,1901,289rumboRuby library for MongoDB. Yay!
176,1901,289rails_filters_tracerWith this gem, you can measure the execution times of each of filters registered to a R...
176,1931,288LinkBoardCreate a site to place all of your links.
176,1931,288vident-typedVident with typed attributes
176,1931,288maildir2jsonA simple ruby script to convert maildir format file to JSON format
176,1931,288omniauth-ruesiaDescription of Ruesia.
176,1971,287payunitTo aid Cameroon businesses to make both national and internationa...
176,1971,287ordbaseordbase gem - "right-clicker" (off-chain) ordinals (pixel art) command-line tool, machi...
176,1971,287google-apis-publicca_v1alpha1This is the simple REST client for Public Certificate Authority API V1alpha1. Simple RE...