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176241-176260 of all 183,202 gems.
176,2391,277lemongraphLemonGraph is a Ruby C extension wrapping parts of the LEMON graph library
176,2391,277hyperdx-rubyHyperDX Ruby SDK
176,2431,276jt-message_busThis package illustrates dependency confusion case by raising a critical security error...
176,2431,276cocoapods-nativescriptA short description of cocoapods-nativescript.
176,2431,276tatumUtilities for outputting information to the user
176,2431,276epegRuby extension for the epeg library.
176,2471,275devuDEVeloper Utilities (DEVU) is a collection of utility scripts written in Ruby to help d...
176,2471,275daichisample gem to greet someone
176,2471,275atome_eVefor atome the creative framework
176,2471,275dotcodegenGenerate tests for your code using LLMs. This gem is a CLI tool that uses OpenAI to gen...
176,2511,274tsumanneThis gem provide unofficial API of, an archiving site of
176,2511,274polygonio-rubyClient library for's REST and Websocket API's. Polygon IO is an API for mark...
176,2511,274google-cloud-storage-controlThe Google Cloud Storage API allows applications to read and write data through the abs...
176,2511,274time_greeting_messageThis gem display a message with the phrase Good morning if it is in the morning, Good a...
176,2551,273kramdown-mermaidExtended Kramdown syntax for mermaid.js
176,2551,273smart_parserThis powerfull webserver log parser will help you count access through your routes
176,2551,273logstash-filter-korean-jamoThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
176,2581,272rybish_codeА gem that allows you to get pass for patterns
176,2581,272fluent-plugin-parser-cri-uinoCRI log format parser for Fluentd
176,2601,271hiroto_creategem to create and connect remote repository to github on local PC