Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
180541-180560 of all 180,702 gems.
180,531167nectoReserved package
180,531167heroicon-rubyRuby on Rails view helpers for the beautiful hand-crafted SVG icons, Heroicons.
180,543166response_fakerResponse Faker is a lightweight Ruby gem designed for developers to easily mock third-p...
180,543166teagemsTeagems is a Ruby gem that provides an interface for managing gems.
180,543166jekyll-asset-path-pluginIt's... mesmerizing.
180,543166regorusrbplaceholder reserving namespace
180,543166standard-procedure-plumbingAn event pipeline
180,543166opentelemetry-processor-baggageBaggage Span Processor for the OpenTelemetry framework
180,543166s3xScrape public AWS S3 buckets with ease.
180,551165raixRuby AI eXtensions
180,551165muraena-api-clientThe Muræna API Client
180,551165verbose_migrationsOverride Active Record logger to DEBUG mode during Active Record migrations to easily f...
180,551165json_canvasJsonCanvas is a Ruby gem that provides a robust implementation of the JSONCanvas specif...
180,551165footgunComming soon...
180,551165rostelecom_m2mRostelecom M2M
180,551165mr_odiaits a language for odia by a rubist
180,551165fool_encryptionTo fool the fool!
180,551165indian_num_to_wordsUse the indian_num_to_words gem to convert numbers to words in Indian Format
180,551165raix-railsRuby AI eXtensions for Rails