Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
180561-180580 of all 183,147 gems.
180,560492fault_tolerant_requestsSend GET requests, retry after incremental delays on failure.
180,560492stack_trace-integrationsStackTrace integrations library for Rspec, Rack, and Sidekiq
180,560492palindrome_primerA gem which provides palindrome prime numbers inside an array
180,560492connect_four_2307A simple gem to play Connect 4 from a CLI.
180,560492metabypassMetabypass | Ruby-based easy implementation for solving any type of captcha by Metabypass
180,560492is_emailis_email is a no-nonsense approach for checking whether that user-supplied email addres...
180,560492bunny_storage_clientBunnyStorage Client is a Ruby SDK for interacting with BunnyCDN storage services.
180,560492difyThis gem provides a Ruby client to interact with the Dify API for chat and completion s...
180,560492aqcalculatorBasic calculator gem.
180,560492piglatinTranslator for a secret language formed from English by transferring the initial conson...
180,560492jekyll-themen-ahrensburgThemen ahrensburg for Jekyll
180,560492policygenPolicygen makes it easy to generate privacy policies, terms of service, and cookie poli...
180,560492dastich_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
180,560492rocotto_palindromeTrying to make my first ruby gem
180,560492ruby_pdfConvert your HTMLs to PDF files
180,576491aletSalesforce console utility for Ruby users
180,576491local_busLocalBus is a lightweight yet powerful pub/sub system for Ruby applications that enable...
180,576491moiz-gillani-whatsapp-cloud-api-sdkUse cloud-hosted version of the WhatsApp Business API to send and receive messages
180,576491stormlibMPQ library for Ruby using the StormLib C library
180,576491sstlistpplabsstudent list app with mvc and other patterns