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180741-180760 of all 181,049 gems.
180,739206waqi-rubyA ruby client to get Real-time Air Quality data feed
180,739206mt_racketRuby Gem for reading and writing raw packets
180,739206corinvoThis package name is reserved by Corinvo LLC
180,739206weconnectA Ruby wrapper for the weconnect (readonly)
180,745205quick_luhn_rubyThe simplest library to validate card numbers using Luhn Algorithm
180,745205fastlane-plugin-sync_devicesSynchronize your devices with Apple Developer Portal.
180,745205kt-paperclip-metaAdd width, height and size methods to paperclip images
180,745205rack-influxdbA rack middleware for logging requests to InfluxDB
180,749204calyIntegrate easily with Google Calendar and Microsoft Outlook calendars.
180,749204stimulus_attrsHelpers to simplify rendering Stimulus data attributes
180,749204addition_mariamA simple addition gem
180,749204gem-rebuildAdds a 'gem rebuild' command for testing reproducible builds.
180,749204chime-assetsThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
180,754203wework-nextRuby API wrapper for wechat work「企业微信」
180,754203higem2hi gem with ruby version 2.x
180,754203its-ruby-authIts Auth is an sso authen gem for Ruby on Rails.
180,757202wallhavenedScrapes wallhaven
180,757202ohaigemA simple o hai world gem
180,759201dry-types-fearThe gems enables you to use Fear::Option as optional type for Dry::Types
180,759201seller_ledger-rubyRuby wrapper for interacting with the Seller Ledger API