Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
182541-182560 of all 182,663 gems.
182,539156dashiA super secret ai project
182,539156sportdb-helperssportdb-helpers - parsers & readers and more for structs incl. countries, leagues, clu...
182,539156parity_prop_ttestA gem that parititons the array of integers based on Parity.
182,544155net-http-sspiimplements bindings to Win32 SSPI functions, focused on authentication to a proxy serve...
182,544155rbac_systemThis gem provides a Role-Based Access Control implementation for Ruby applications, all...
182,544155rom-encrypted_attributeEncrypted attributes for ROM
182,544155jekyll-text-theme-forkA super customizable Jekyll theme for personal site, team site, blog, project, document...
182,544155manojzebThis gem provides a greeting function
182,549154brevio-session-storeA drop-in replacement for e.g. MemCacheStore to store Rails sessions (and Rails session...
182,549154dashboardsCreate beautiful, customizable bento-style admin dashboards in your Rails application w...
182,549154subspawn-commonA SubSpawn subproject to provide classes common to all mid-level and high level APIs
182,553153eodhd.rbAccess the API with Ruby.
182,553153proxypokeMakes an HTTP request to check if a web proxy is working
182,553153capistrano-redmine-deployment'capistrano-redmine-deployment' is a capistrano task to log deployments to any related ...
182,553153ommlOMML (Office Math Markup Language) parser and builder used in Plurimath.
182,557152wdatastructureA collection datastructure implementation
182,557152mmlMathML parser and builder used in Plurimath.
182,559151brcobranca_sicredi_400Gem para emissão de boletos e CNABs de bancos brasileiros, incluindo Sicredi.
182,559151vwo-fme-ruby-sdkA Ruby SDK for Feature Management And Experimentation