Total Downloads Ranking
Most downloads over all time
182461-182480 of all 184,426 gems.
Rank | Downloads | Name | Summary |
182,455 | 402 | parasol | A Ruby Shader Library |
182,455 | 402 | masstaden | A library of data types and tools for constructing web applications in Ruby. |
182,455 | 402 | ut-mnemosyne | Mnemosyne - a console command for brute-forcing through random domains (considering the... |
182,455 | 402 | kalam | A mini mvc ruby framework build just for fun |
182,465 | 401 | mailerooby | Ruby gem to interact with the Maileroo API. |
182,465 | 401 | hola_hasandiwan | A simple hello world gem |
182,465 | 401 | pincode_finder | This gem takes a pincode as input and returns the associated district and state. |
182,465 | 401 | snoseeds_palindrome | Learn Enough Ruby Palindrome Detector |
182,465 | 401 | ruby-clip | A minimal parser for Clip Studio Paint files |
182,465 | 401 | jekyll-maths-latex-to-image | A Jekyll plugin that converts LaTeX mathematical expressions to PNG images for better c... |
182,465 | 401 | fridaybuilds_cli | A CLI program for |
182,465 | 401 | mini-aasm | A State Machine library intended to be compatible with lightweight implementations of t... |
182,465 | 401 | halchemy | Do you have an API that serves data following the HAL specification? The **halchemy** ... |
182,465 | 401 | gridify_pdf | Add gridlines to PDF documents |
182,465 | 401 | decidim-spam_signal | Spam signal module for Decidim. |
182,465 | 401 | sneaker_selector | This gem will randomly select a sneaker for you. Find a new discovery or your favorite ... |
182,477 | 400 | notion_cf | You can manage notion with YAML file. |
182,477 | 400 | bake-releases | Releases document management. |
182,477 | 400 | shodany | Shodany provides an easy-to-use interface for the Shodan API to search internet-connect... |
182,477 | 400 | gl-command | Implementation of the Command Pattern |