Total Downloads Ranking

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182701-182720 of all 183,107 gems.
182,701198acquiring-sdk-rubySDK to communicate with the Worldline Acquiring platform using the Worldline Acquiring API
182,701198imgcatDisplay an image on the terminal
182,701198activellmActiveLLM: Integrate Large Language Models with Rails
182,701198weird_phlexExample description
182,705197yaml-linterA Ruby gem for common-sense checks for YAML files
182,705197ace-configManaging, configurations with type validation, configirations load and export support.
182,705197makeplans_sms_pricingMakePlans SMS Pricing
182,705197zaidZaid is an Arabic programming language that is designed to be simple and easy to learn.
182,705197copy_aiA Ruby client library for accessing the API, allowing developers to easily inte...
182,705197time_bufferTracks time spent on all applications
182,712196openai_helper_gemOpenAIHelper is a Ruby module designed to enhance productivity by integrating OpenAI's ...
182,712196ruby2sassRuby2sass provides a flexible and intuitive way to write SASS stylesheets using Ruby sy...
182,712196ffiec_as_dataframeCall report data from FFIEC
182,712196diverterLightweight tool for execution of Ruby code in a forked Ruby process
182,712196bio-samtools-wrapperWrapper of samtools for ruby. This project was born from the need to add support of...
182,712196coco_authThis gem provides a greeting function for Ably Labs
182,712196karRake utilities such as task to download, DSL to define multiple tasks at onece, etc.
182,720195rspec-rails-generatorsA solution to support Rails Generator testing in RSpec.