Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
182721-182740 of all 183,107 gems.
182,720195minitest-rackSave time and energy by writing short effecient obvious assertions/expectations with ra...
182,720195gdbmishGDBM database files are not portable between different architectures. This gem reimplem...
182,720195availability_schedulerThis gem allows scheduling availability for resources, including weekly schedules and s...
182,720195yaml_exporterA Ruby gem for YAML serialization and deserialization of ActiveRecord models with JSON ...
182,720195model_explorerRails engine to explore models and their associations
182,720195ruby-hotfileParser for IATA HOT files (accounting/sales data) as described in IATA BSP DISH.
182,728194agenticEasily build, manage, deploy, and run self-contained purpose-driven AI Agents.
182,728194logstash-input-vespaThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
182,728194explorak5_loginThis gem provides a comprehensive solution for implementing login functionality in Ruby...
182,728194cnd_excel2yamlGem lib convert exell file to yaml
182,728194real_time_likesThis gem helps Rails apps implement real-time like/unlike functionality on polymorphic ...
182,733193lanterndbLantern Rails Client
182,733193evil-winrm-aiThe ultimate WinRM shell for hacking/pentesting. AI edition.
182,733193microappMicroapp is novel way to host micro applications in a single file
182,733193time_tallyA skeleton to start a gem from
182,733193sridhar-newMalware Detection typo squatting case
182,733193sirdhar-newMalware Detection typo squatting case attacker case
182,733193render_kitA small library to allow claases to be rendered oike partials in Rails
182,740192spree_paypalProvides Paypal payment integration for spree