Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
130141-130160 of all 180,681 gems.
110,9731rack-zombie_shotgunRack middleware that kills zombie requests dead!
110,9731ruboty-postgresstore memory of ruboty in postgresql
110,9731cgeta parallel downloader using ssh as a control connection
110,9731restafarianExpose fully RESTful HTTP APIs including code-on-demand so client can intelligent prese...
110,9731file_synced_queueQueue will lost data , to avoid queue lost this class sync data into file. so even when...
110,9731smashcutShould I not do this?
110,9731helloworldgemhelloworld gem description
110,9731doableA framework for automating tasks with ease
110,9731hatefreewebThis gem connects to the HateFreeWeb.org API and classifies text for hate speech detection
110,9731pg_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
110,9731sidekiq-marshalMarshal encoder for sidekiq. Enables when required.
110,9731friendly_markdownSimple markdown for user input, with auto-link, auto-linebreak, and sanitization.
110,9731git-rungit run runs commands on git revisions
110,9731berminalA jekyll theme which will put you in a developing kind of mood
110,9731hackety_hackThe easiest way to learn programming! Ruby is taught with the help of Shoes. Introducto...
110,9731anonymizeAnonymize database data on the fly
110,9731alephant-logger-statsdStatsD driver for Alephant Logger gem.
110,9731dependabot-giteadependabot Gitea plugin
110,9731load_modelRails Controller plugin that provides easy and useful macros for tying models and reque...
110,9731dockerfile-dslDockerfile DSL and generator