Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
130201-130220 of all 180,599 gems.
92,7381rack-session-memcachedRack::Session::Memcached provides cookie based session stored in memcached. It depends ...
92,7381baratoEasily retrieve a URL on a timer
92,7381protest-railsProtest is a tiny, simple, and easy-to-extend test framework. Protest-rails brings that...
92,7381rack-noieA Rack middleware to redirect IE6 users out of your website
92,7381hola_DavidA simple hello world gem
92,7381symbolizerRuby hash symbolizer
92,7381hipaa-mongoid-enumHeavily inspired by DDH's ActiveRecord::Enum, this little library is there to help you ...
92,7381flot-rails-plusProvides a data driven API into the flot javascript plotting library
92,7381jalebEasily fetch product information from third party websites such as Amazon, Souq, eBay, ...
92,7381jbuilder-prettifyConfigurable pretty output for jbuilder
92,7381hola_dcorderoA simple hello world gem
92,7381proc_partyProcParty makes classes with a #call method act like procs. Documentation for this rele...
92,7381configstructLib for managing config files based on OpenStruct, includes file saving and prompt at c...
92,7381roboloveRobolove wraps the lego_nxt gem to make driving easier.
92,7381sprout-tweeneras2-libraryTweener for Actionscript2 (caurina.transitions.Tweener) is a Class used to create tween...
92,7381mjfreshyfresh-will_paginateThe will_paginate library provides a simple, yet powerful and extensible API for pagina...
92,7381api_consumerEasy to use API consumer - Setup your API connection in a yaml file, and use the helper...
92,7381json_to_openstructA simple Ruby gem adding OpenStruct::parse_json and OpenStruct::parse_hash methods and ...
92,7381gary_studio_gameGary's Studio Game Gem
92,7381motherfucking-jekyll-themeJekyll theme inspired by motherfuckingwebsite.com