Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
136041-136060 of all 180,716 gems.
100,7731twemproxy_exporterA Prometheus exporter for Twemproxy / Nutcracker.
100,7731labstackOfficial Ruby client library for the LabStack platform
100,7731the-official-groupme-ab-testing-solutionThe Official GroupMe AB Testing Solution
100,7731moser-dm-optlockAdds optimistic locking to Datamapper.
100,7731ruboty-slide_meruboty slide me.
100,7731intuit-samlAllow sites federated with Intuit to process SAML auth requests
100,7731jackThe author was too lazy to write a description
100,7731reloadappStop reloading your browser when working on an app, automate it!
100,7731mdeering-styleMy opinionated and even sometimes misinformed style and code linting configurations
100,7731filelistFileList is taken from Rake
100,7731indonesia_districtIndonesia District Collection
100,7731pduey-sunspot_railsSunspot::Rails is an extension to the Sunspot library for Solr search. Sunspot::Rai...
100,7731juhejuhe finance api.
100,7731logstash-input-dstatThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
100,7731asciidoctor-sailAsciidoctor extension for documenting Sail models
100,7731supafuncRuby Client library to interact with Supabase Functions.
100,7731webhooksA webhook engine
100,7731fluent-plugin-hatoholYou can integrated log monitoring system with Hatohol
100,7731mra-engine_plugin_generatorEngine Plugin Generator generators an engine plugin skeleton.