Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
136081-136100 of all 180,507 gems.
64,8361feedzirra-podcastStrict RSS 2 podcast parsing with Feedzirra
64,8361activeformForms with ActiveModel-like validations
64,8361github_employee_authmake it even easier to build internal apps
64,8361aerogel-configuratorStore your application configuration in separate files using simple DSL or YAML. Access...
64,8361sensu-plugins-ssl-boutetnicoThis plugin provides native SSL instrumentation for monit...
64,8361agentxA tool for doing things on the Internet.
64,8361rails_magic_renamerRename rails models, magically. Pre-release, not production ready
64,8361ruby-universeA simple API wrapper for Universe V2.
64,8361advanced_ruby_command_handleran advanced discord bot command handler
64,8361ruby_typistCustom typing animation for ruby app
64,8361afstatsdA StatsD library with AppFirst Extensions
64,8361scotchWatches directories and mirrors to a S3/CloudFront bucket/distribution
64,8361hiera-ehttpHiera backend for looking up data over HTTP APIs with support for encrypted values
64,8361agibralter-factory_girlfactory_girl provides a framework and DSL for defining and using factories - less error...
64,8361smart_sampleImplementation of various selection strategies, usually used in genetic algorithms
64,8361age_validatorValidate age from a date field in Active Record.
64,8361jennings_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
64,8361gravidA simple and beautiful jekyll theme.
64,8361civo-loggerSends each request individually to Redis