Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
136621-136640 of all 180,641 gems.
75,3470unicorn-directory-watcherUnicorn wrapper that restarts the server when a file changes (inspired by http://namele...
75,3470katcpProvides KATCP client library for Ruby. KATCP is the Karoo Array Telescope Control...
75,3470model_setEasy manipulation of sets of ActiveRecord models
75,3470middleware_autocompleteRails middleware that generates responses for your requests without hitting your Applic...
75,3470granola-railsGranola provides a simple and fast API to serialize objects into multiple formats. Gran...
75,3470informant-railsThe Informant tracks what users do wrong in your forms so you can make them better.
75,3470kch-rubycas-serverProvides single sign-on authentication for web applications using the CAS protocol.
75,3470KeeperPat-feedupdaterAutomatic feed updater daemon for use with FeedTools.
75,3470net-ftp-port_commandEnable Net::FTP to send PORT command.
75,3470ongair_rubyLets you use the Ongair API to interact with Messaging services like WhatsApp, WeChat a...
75,3470laratorNo handcraft-code anymore, having one in your toolbox definitely will increase your pro...
75,3470yml2erdThis gem generates erd from a simple yml.
75,3470simplecov_checkerChecks for .rb files missed by SimpleCov
75,3470roosterRemind yourself to do something or other in a specified number of minutes.
75,3470radiatorClient for accessing the Hive/Steem blockchain.
75,3470rdf-serializersAdds RDF serialization, like n-triples or turtle, to active model serializers
75,3470shopify-goldGold is Helium's approach to billing for Shopify apps. It provides a framework to build...
75,3470universe-kushalWrite a longer description or delete this line.
75,3470sherpaWrite a gem description