Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
136681-136700 of all 180,454 gems.
136,3772pinkievenlyI love Pinkie
136,3772fmanagerFManager indexes main storage folders, searches for duplicated files, checks for file b...
136,3772lita-dogeGenerate such doge, with much amaze
136,3772binotelBinotel API access.
136,3772parameter_transformersProvides a proxy object that allows consistent transformation of arguments passed to ta...
136,3772matthewtodd-tapsA simple database agnostic import/export app to transfer data to/from a remote database.
136,3772appstaAppsta is designed to make bootstrapping new Rails applications much easier.
136,3772genki-dsl_accessorThis plugin gives hybrid accessor class methods to classes by DSL like definition
136,3772peek-env_varsTake a peek into the ENV vars of your Rails application.
136,3772decidim-anonymous_proposalsTransform proposals component to allow not signed in users creation of proposals.
136,3772logstash-input-shutdown_on_broken_stdinIf Logstash is launched as a sub-process, this plugin can be used to exit Logstash when...
136,3772wifidiagQuick Wi-Fi diagnostic page for users, to support network ops
136,3772fib_testlonger description or delete this line.
136,3772skozlov-netzke_coreBase Netzke widgets - grid, form, tree, and more
136,3772active_model_policyPolicy implementation for rails
136,3772evadyke_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
136,3772tvdb-rubySimple Gem that consumes TVDb API
136,3772active_model_secure_tokenHasSecureToken provides you an easily way to geneatre uniques random tokens for any mod...
136,3772sugestio-rubyA basic Ruby library for interfacing with the Sugestio (http://sugestio.com) recommenda...
136,3772hal_openscienceAPI wrapper for HAL OpenScience