Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
139001-139020 of all 180,599 gems.
131,2430canberra_distanceCalculates the Canberra distance between two vectors.
131,2430aidA library to make repo scripts easy and discoverable.
131,2430wikipediatool for extracting plain text from wikipedia articles
131,2430arcadeArcade is a simple Ruby-vased DSL for creating old-school arcade games like Pong. The ...
131,2430cdfgControl/Data Flow Graph builder to represent the program control flow and variable defi...
131,2430dreamwords-oauth2A Ruby wrapper for the OAuth 2.0 protocol built with a similar style to the original OA...
131,2430dev_toolbarFirstdraft Dev Toolbar
131,2430csv_row_modelImport and export your custom CSVs with a intuitive shared Ruby interface.
131,2430drawerdGenerate erd for rails, usiing rails-erd and drawerd.com service.
131,2430benchparserBenchparser - benchmark output parser for multiple languages
131,2430drnbenchIt may be used for other HTTP servers.
131,2430axtreme_view_toolProvides generated HTML data fir rails applications
131,2430delano-caesarA simple class for rapid DSL prototyping in Ruby.
131,2430blockfolioBlockfolio gem
131,2430dustin-godGod is an easy to configure, easy to extend monitoring framework written in Ruby.
131,2430farvaJust about everything.
131,2430block_explorerBlockExplorer is a Ruby wrapper for the Block Explorer API. Block Explorer (http://bloc...
131,2430viberatorDumps Viber chat logs into pretty-formatted HTML
131,2430archetype-bundledAn Archetype bundle that includes the official extensions
131,2430cache_rulesCacheRules validates requests and responses for cached HTTP data based on RFCs 7230-723...